Samaipata & Surroundings, an unforgettable place to visit!

BW 00-LI 1 long Day Birding Light. Hike to the Condors’ Cliff and their tiered Waterfall. Andean Condor. Solitaries, in pairs or groups, young and adults of both sexes, either in order to rest, to digest their carrion found or to bathe in this wildlife sanctuary. National bird and Andean symbol. Departs early from Samaipata by car. Hike along slopes. Duration: 12 hrs. All inclusive tours –

date :12-06-2012.

time: 6:30am.

bilingual guide/Spanish Speaking guide.
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72171299 Nancy

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Samaipata & Surroundings, an unforgettable place to visit!

BW 00-LI 1 long Day Birding Light. Hike to the Condors’ Cliff and their tiered Waterfall. Andean Condor. Solitaries, in pairs or groups, young and adults of both sexes, either in order to rest, to digest their carrion found or to bathe in this wildlife sanctuary. National bird and Andean symbol. Departs early from Samaipata by car. Hike along slopes. Duration: 12 hrs. All inclusive tours –

date: 12 de 06- 2012

Time: 6:30am

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Samaipata & Surroundings, an unforgettable place to visit!

BW 00-LI 1 long Day Birding Light. Hike to the Condors’ Cliff and their tiered Waterfall. Andean Condor. Solitaries, in pairs or groups, young and adults of both sexes, either in order to rest, to digest their carrion found or to bathe in this wildlife sanctuary. National bird and Andean symbol. Departs early from Samaipata by car. Hike along slopes. Duration: 12 hrs. All inclusive tours – 1 Long Day of Birdwatching Light

BW 00-LI

Hike to the Condors’ Cliff and their tiered Waterfall

It surprises many that the Andean Condor can also be found in this region where it encounters sustenance and places where it can digest its food, sleep, rest and bathe. We will make our way to a remote cliff which is constantly being used by condors in pairs or groups, young and adults of both sexes, either in order to rest and to digest the carrion found or to bathe in a hidden pool of this extaordinary cliff. We will also see on the way up other birds of prey: American Kestrel on a exposed branch, Aplomado Falcon in swift flight, Variegated Hawk suspended in flight somewhere near the summit, Roadside Hawk screaming while circling above, White-tailed Kite or Swallow-tailed Kites in huge migratory flocks and near the cliff smaller carrion eaters, Turkey Vultur with its narrow wings, Black Vultur with its short tail. On the way we may encounter Scaly-headed Parrot flying in groups, Blue-fronted Parrot in pairs and parakeets like Green-cheked, Mitred and Blue-crowned. Also the tiny Ocellated Piculet, the big hooded Crimson-crested and Cream-backed Woodpeckers; spectacular Red-tailed Comet and White-bellied Hummigbird, White-vented Violet-ear, Glittering-bellied Emerald, Sappho sparganura. We will hear the elusive Giant Antshrike, the still Spot-backed Puffbird, the mimetic Masked Trogon and the Huayco Tinamou of the pastures. The experience of observing behaviour details is matched by the chance of taking sharp close-up photos. (The tiered waterfall mentioned is unaccesible for people, do not mistake it with sunny La Pajcha fall in next tour, a place to bathe, reachable by motor vehicle).
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