Samaipata & Surroundings, an unforgettable place to visit!BW 00-LI 1 long Day Birding Light. Hike to the Condors’ Cliff and their tiered Waterfall. Andean Condor. Solitaries, in pairs or groups, young and adults of both sexes, either in order to rest, to digest their carrion found or to bathe in this wildlife sanctuary. National bird and Andean symbol. Departs early from Samaipata by car. Hike along slopes. Duration: 12 hrs. All inclusive tours –

BW 00-LI 1 long Day Birding Light. Hike to the Condors’ Cliff and their tiered Waterfall. Andean Condor. Solitaries, in pairs or groups, young and adults of both sexes, either in order to rest, to digest their carrion found or to bathe in this wildlife sanctuary. National bird and Andean symbol. Departs early from Samaipata by car. Hike along slopes. Duration: 12 hrs. All inclusive tours –

Samaipata, amboro national park (tree fern forest/cloud Forest –this is the southern part of the Amboró National Park), El Fuerte ruins, condor hike, cacti desert,

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