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Guests comments:

Michael and Gaby,
Thank you for all the arrangements you made for our caravan, without your team we
would have needed double the time and effort.  All the drivers looked very confident
through the mud with their jeeps. Because of the rain we had to wait to cross
the Río Grande river. Man, our guide was a great improviser!  We spent the night that seemed right out of a movie, around a fire with those families, their legends and songs (we recorded it all).  Their needs are so simple, their generosity authentic and
they were full of good humor!  I understand why Che Guevara couldn’t convince them to participate in his cause.  Our lenses were amazed at the architecture of Pucará,
Postrervalle, Masicurí and Lagunillas. Thank you for the information about the
waterfalls and lagoons along the way.  Simply perfect.

Consuelo - Asisting with a one-week video documentary, The route of Che Guevara Che Guevara´s Route


Reservation of Accommodation and/or tour(s)

Please complete this form to reserve your accommodation and /or tour(s). This information will be kept strictly confidential.

This FORM is for RESERVATIONS. If you require INFORMATION only, please use the  Contact us.

First name *
Last name *
Date of birth *
Gender *
Nationality *

Evenings Phone
Address *
City *
Postal Code
State / Province *
Country *
Email address *
Your contact in case of emergency and/or your Insurance Company : (Name, Address, Phone, Email, Fax, Relationship) *

Passport number
Do you have a valid passport? *
Passport Number
Expiry date of your Passport

Type of Accommodation

Tour's codes
(if more than one, separate with a comma)
All tours
(the code consists of four characters)

 (just in case of booking a tour)
Weight (Only if Sesna flights) *
Height *
Are you physically active? *
Do you smoke? *
Are you allergic to any medicines, antibiotics, foods or repellents? *
Existing Medical Conditions, possible risky situations that could affect you participation in or safety during the tour, pls., DESCRIBE THEM.
Please consult your doctor beforehand.

Your Preferences
 (just in case of booking a tour)
Are you vegetarian? *
Do you have any dietary restrictions or foods you cannot consume? *
In case of the affirmative, please state.
Would you like to share your room and/or tent with other passengers? *
Would you like us to decide your roomate? *
If you prefer a single room, are you happy to pay the extra surcharge? *

Details of stay
Estimated date of tour *
Estimated time of stay *
Quantity of persons *

How did you hear about us?
Questions / Comments

I am happy to pay at least 50% deposit before hand with the remainder being paid in full prior to commencement of the tour. I understand that the reservation form, my participation aswell as the deposit is accepted by Michael Blendinger Nature Tours and is subject to their terms and conditions and I have stated to the best of my knowledge my medical and physical state as is my responsibility. I agree as signed participant of this tour to abide by the code of responsibility that I have signed This form is accompanied with the required deposit.

I agree!


Terms & Conditions
I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions (it opens in a new window).

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